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How do I become a vibrational match?

Do you have desires? Do you feel disappointed when your desires don’t manifest?

If you just answered yes to the above questions, then this article will help you manifest your desires with ease.

We all have desires, and with a lot of excitement, we put those desires out to the universe. Especially if we have been longing for our desire (such as getting that big career break, finding the right partner, or having robust health), we eagerly wait for its manifestation. And when we don’t see it actualising in our world, we get frustrated, slide into low life conditions, and give into life’s uncertainties. Some of us even indulge in the blame game, blaming other people, the world, the stars, destiny, and even God. By doing so, we don’t get what we want; instead, we move far away from what we truly desire.

The universe understands the language of energy, not words. Energy is communicated through vibration. What we feel and think builds our vibration. When our desires don’t manifest, for most of us, the default response is worry, anger, and self-doubt. It is a complete contrast to the vibration of our desires. In order to attract manifestation with ease, it is essential for us to become a vibrational match for our desires. Now you may wonder, How do I become that match? Follow these three concrete steps and witness a breakthrough in your life.

3 simple steps to become a vibrational match

Attention :

Focus all your attention on your desires. Create a vision. Maintain a vision book and pen down all your desires. Select the top 5 desires that you would like to manifest at the earliest and focus your attention on them. Daily, read your vision at least 2-3 times. While reading your vision, imagine as if you have already manifested what you are asking for. Imagine that your dreams have come true and experience a sense of joy. just as children indulge in make-believe play. This will help raise the vibration. It’s an immediate shift from feeling worry to conviction, anger to satisfaction, and sadness to joy. The best analogy to explain the above point is switching on the light. When you switch on the light, it brightens up the room, changing its energy. Similarly, when you practice attention and imagination, you change your energy. Remember, the universe understands the language of energy. Continue to focus your attention on your desires, irrespective of the situation. If the situation is contrary to what you are asking for, do not focus on the contrast; instead, focus on your desires. It is challenging to focus on desires when everything is falling apart. Therefore, constant practice of these exercises would help in building a muscle for them, and they would soon become a habit. A habit of paying attention to your desires irrespective of your surroundings.

Surrender :

Once you have expressed your desire, practice complete surrender. Allow the higher source (the universe or God) to do its job. The job of actualizing the desires Being in the state of surrender opens your receiving capacity. Be open to various ways of actualizing. It may not actualize in a certain way, through a particular source, but it will certainly actualize. Letting go of control, rigid ideas, and a fixed mindset helps in surrendering. Being flexible and open to the divine plan and its timing will help you attract ease in manifestation

Alignment :

It is one of the most important and difficult steps in manifestation. Alignment means harmony. Having synergy between what you want and what you believe. Being in constant alignment with your desires by cultivating healthy thoughts, hope, and confidence will speed up the process of manifestation. Self-doubt, negative thoughts, and a toxic environment can act as roadblocks to alignment. Especially during the challenging times, many individuals fall into this trap by disbelieving in the power of the universe or harbouring self-doubts. In order to stay aligned, practice inner work and self-reflection. Be vigilant about your thoughts, core beliefs, and actions. Be mindful of your choices. What you choose to believe, how you choose to respond to challenges, your actions—everything is linked to your alignment. Therefore, practice mindfulness daily in order to stay in alignment.

Practicing these three steps will help you become one with your desires. Your oneness with your desires is the vibrational match that is key to manifestation. Keep desiring and keep manifesting. As the ultimate message of the universe is, “Your wish is my command,”

Love & Light,

Neha Lonari

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